I wanted to publicly thank you here my dear patients.
Thank you in more ways than one.
I feel deep gratitude for all of you. For your confidence.
I am extremely grateful for the trust you place in me because I know how sometimes what I say or do in a treatment session can be confusing for you.
I am very touched to see you open up to me, to entrust me with your intimacy, your greatest wounds and your greatest traumas, to go through your moments of fear and doubt with you. This what I like above all is to see your face transformed after the session, more open, more relaxed, brighter and to feel more serene and lighter.
I welcome your tears with great honor and respect. I feel so privileged to experience all of this with you.
I am overwhelmed by your messages announcing your recovery a few days or weeks after our interview.
It's not a job, it's not a passion, it's what I am, it's what makes me vibrate .... I could talk about it for hours ... it's ME simply.
I AM all of this because you allow me to.
So thank you.......thank you with all my soul.
3 years ago I broke 3 ribs when I fell into a bathtub.
I suffered so much that I could not breathe normally or lay down to sleep.
I called on Sophie to help me because it was unbearable.
She magnetized me and there I felt a relief! I could finally breathe normally. I was still in pain but I could lie down and sleep. My recovery only lasted 4 weeks.
My doctor couldn't believe I was recovering so quickly.
I cannot thank Sophie enough for what she has done for me.
Many thanks Sophie
My name is Pierre-Henri and I live in Paris.
2 years ago I had major problems with sleep and stress.
I asked Sophie if she could act remotely because I couldn't return to Rouen.
She agreed and told me to send her a picture and she would do it in 2 steps.
The first time she magnetized me, I was at a friends house and I started to shiver and _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58_ to be very cold to the point of having to cover myself when it was hot in the apartment .
The second time, I was still at home with some friends and at the time of the aperitif I started to be excessively hot and to sweat. I had to open the window (it was January) and a few minutes later I started vomiting. My friends didn't understand what was happening to me!
Sophie explained to me that my body was purging itself, cleaning itself...
I slept like a baby the night after!!! and since then I've been doing much better.
Sophie is really exceptional and she has all my confidence.
I am Veronique. I have a golden retriever named Gavroche who is 7 years old.
2 years ago, one morning we noticed that he had the underside of his eye hanging down. We thought it was an aneurysm. We went to the vet who told us that he probably had a neurological problem and that he would certainly have to be operated on. We were upset and we left with our loulou to think a little.
A few days later I talked about it to Sophie who offered to bring Gavroche to her so she could see. She magnetized it and told us to wait a fortnight to see how it was changing and to make our decision to operate on it.
Miracle, 15 days later Gavroche was healed and his eye was fine and back to normal.
Gavroche thanks Sophie every time he sees her!!
Another time, Sophie was at home and Gavroche was lying under the table. Sophie tells us: "Gavroche is suffering terribly, he has a big ear infection". I told him it was not possible because I had cleaned his ears recently and he was not complaining. My daughter therefore checked the ears and there Horror! he had a huge dark mass of earwax and the inside of his ear was red and inflamed.
Gavroche repeats THANK YOU Sophie you are the best!!!
I consulted Sophie during my pregnancy. I was expecting twins and around 6 months, the darlings wanted to come out early. Sophie intervened to re-boost us in energy me and the children.
My two little boys had their first session in utero and it was a great experience.
Thereafter, Sophie gave me regular care until my delivery which finally took place at 7 months ½ of pregnancy. A little later, around 4 months of life, Clovis needed to see Sophie for torticollis and Mathis for infant colic. Did they feel they already knew her?? that they had already felt these same waves while they were still in my belly? I do not know. On the other hand, what I do know is that I saw my babies change their attitude and calm down almost instantly in Sophie's arms.
In the family, Sophie also saw my dad to relieve him of very intense arm pain, pain that never reappeared after 2 sessions.
For my mom, it was for leg pains similar to cramps.
The serene and peaceful atmosphere that emanates from Sophie's treatment room is conducive to relaxation, which helps to establish a climate of trust from the first interview.
So don't hesitate any longer and let yourself be guided.
During the summer of 2016, my son Jules when we went on vacation, suddenly started wanting to pee abnormally many times a day.
With each daily factor of change, or "stress" however slight they were, he felt this need. The most striking examples come to mind: car trips even for 5 minutes, cinema sessions, activities with friends or even bedtime... so many situations that caused him to start to refrain from activities that were close to his heart.
On the recommendation of my friend, and after having proposed it to Jules so that he would not take the process in a binding way, we consulted Sophie.
What a meeting!!! From the first contact I felt appeasement, listening ... something was already starting to happen.
Present with Jules during the session, I saw Sophie establish a contact as naturally as possible with him, he was at his ease which made him receptive both to the words and to the care that Sophie was able to exercise. on him.
I myself felt these "waves" "these energies" in the room which both confused me and made me feel good as if something had been sown to reap the positive.
At the end of this session, Jules immediately peed a lot less, and things slowly returned to normal, as Sophie had been able to predict.
For my part, following this appointment I consulted Sophie almost a year later my body was "locked" everywhere because she had seen correctly without knowing my life .... she did what was necessary in a session during which I immediately felt my recirculated energy, happiness!!
Thank you Sophie for being what you are.
After seeing many people relieved by Sophie's care, I decided to go see her too, even though I am quite down to earth by nature.
I have a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease and I was tired of always having to take medication to relieve myself and I experienced quite difficult and stressful personal events. So I had a lot of eczema all around my mouth and a lot of stuff in my head!
Sophie perceived in me a good receptivity and immediately detected the pain that I could have, she felt it.
My first session was quite trying, because the following week I was exhausted, we speak of energy shock. A lot of heat was released from my body and I quickly felt a sense of calm. And thanks to other sessions, I felt better and I no longer had eczema on my face when I was badly affected. Also, she managed to get rid of some persistent contractures, which relieved me a lot.
I can only advise you to go see her, if only to relax and find peace in this world where we live at 100 an hour, it's surprising how well she manages to read in we !
It is not a miracle cure, but in addition to breathing exercises and my drug treatment, Sophie allowed me to find myself, she allowed me to find a certain serenity. I intend to go see her regularly thereafter, because well-being is essential!
He is a very pleasant, gentle and caring person. So don't be skeptical and get started!!
Being ignorant of magnetism I let myself go to the expert hands of Sophie. The session is punctuated by magnetism and reassuring explanations. And the most beautiful are the felt and above all lasting effects. This woman is a magician. Let yourself be tempted, you will not be disappointed.
My doctor amazed by my change wants to distribute his contact details to his patients!
Sophie opens doors and not just any!!!! Even the most skeptical I advise to try a session. You have nothing to lose and you will grow out of it. Sophie is calm, listens to you and advises you without judgement. The place is original and exotic. Thank you Sophie.
Sophie W.
I'm 18 years old, I came to Sophie's for the first time without major health problems or anything, but mostly out of curiosity. And I was pleasantly surprised by the good that a session can bring.
Without any physical contact, just by floating her hands a few centimeters from my skin, Sophie discovered some pain that I had regularly in the back and in the knees, when I had not yet told her about it. With her hands, Sophie exudes a very strange but not unpleasant sensation. Although I had my eyes closed, I knew exactly where Sophie passed her hands thanks to a warmth that she gave off and that I felt inside my body.
Since I experienced this kind of session with Sophie, I no longer feel any pain in my back or in my knees, it's not magic but it's just as impressive!
I recommend and even advise everyone seeing this message, to try at least once in your life. Especially if you have small health problems, if you do not feel in great shape psychologically or even out of simple curiosity. You realize how good it feels, only once after trying.
Magnetism sessions with Sophie are super relaxing! I had warts on my right hand and after a week they were gone. Thank you Sophie for your kindness and your availability.
Sophie removed an ingrown toenail that had been hurting me for several days. Whenever I am not well, I consult her and I immediately feel better. Sophie is a reliable, confident person, in whom one can confide, she knows how to find the right words and reassure. She is sweet and interested in others.
Until I met Sophie, I had never imagined one day being treated by magnetism. I had repeated torticollis, the doctors gave me medicine until the day I consulted Sophie, she changed my life. She was able to soothe me and restore my mobility without drugs harmful to health and above all reassure me about certain pains. She opened my mind to life and to see life on the bright side, to know how to say NO and to ignore the remarks of those around me. She also treated my dog who had a drop in his eye which was becoming quite significant, the veterinarian wanting to operate on him thinking of a brain tumor I went through Sophie, she treated him without stamp or operation just magnetism and manipulation and I will never thank her enough for what she has done for my dog, my family and all the well-being she has brought us and discover, that we all apply days.
Veronique H
Ah my witch Sophie what about my beloved witch and above all healer of a bullous disease (I had blisters for years on my hands and neck and I saw the greatest dermatologists who never found Whenever I wanted to confide, her shoulder was always there, she guided me in my choices and made me see another vision of life which today has borne fruit since I got out of this skin disease and then anorexia thanks to his words, just his words reassured me and made me see life on the bright side_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
I can never thank her enough for what she has done for me and even today her presence is necessary. Sophie is an adorable person who marks your life forever.
Clemence H
Very affected by the death of my husband following a long illness, I called on Sophie to find some peace of mind. I was very surprised that she could know everything about my emotions without having spoken to her beforehand! She revealed to me things about myself that I had voluntarily buried for a very long time.
I was in a permanent state of stress and anxiety, she succeeded for a few days in taking away this “lump in my stomach” that I had, it did me a lot of good.
Sophie gave me lots of advice on how to make it easier to sleep, breathe better, understand my body better.
In addition to being soothing, Sophie is very attentive and guesses everything about you…which is very practical when talking causes too much pain.
Thank you so much Sophie for the beautiful person that you are and the good that you "sprinkle" on me at each of our meetings.
Monique L.
Sophie is a very good professional who feels and perceives things, and without even having to speak, she puts her finger on the crux of the problem.
He is a very gentle and attentive person who inspires confidence.
It's as if she transmits her calm and her well-being to us and we feel lighter.
She also advises and guides us, gives us keys to achieve this well-being and improve our daily lives.
My cat suffers a lot from his hip because a rifle shot destroyed part of his bone. Sophie intervened to relieve him, NEVER have I seen my cat react this way. He began to meow very loudly but without any aggressiveness, on the contrary. He was calm and seemed not to understand what was happening to him.
Obviously, my cat felt the effects of Sophie's magic hands perfectly. The following days, his gaze was soothed, he suffered much less.
Since then, my feline loves witches :)
Sophie L
Sophie was recommended to me by a work colleague. Without that, I would never have had the opportunity to meet her.
I went to see her for my 10 year old daughter who had difficulty falling asleep following a trauma (house burglary).
With great finesse and gentleness, she was able to find the right words and the right energy to soothe my daughter, who has since regained a very good sleep and is no longer afraid of being alone in her room at night.
In my opinion, he is a reliable, serious, attentive and very competent person.
I went to see Sophie a little over a year ago, in April 2019. I hadn't been well psychologically for a few months, my morale was very low and I felt it was getting worse over time. I didn't know much about magnetism but I trusted Sophie, and above all, I wanted to get better. The session did me a lot of good, not necessarily the same day but rather in the days and weeks that followed the treatment. The process was a little long because I think my problem was quite entrenched so I was not cured overnight, but Sophie's treatment really did me a lot of good, if only because 'it purges the body and the void of its bad vibes, which greatly relieves the mind. From my point of view, you don't need to “believe” in the benefits of magnetism to make an appointment, I think that curiosity and the desire to get better are a big part of the healing process; you also have to know how to be patient because the results are not always visible overnight and this also varies according to the people and their needs; but in any case a session will not be wasted time for anyone looking to get better physically or mentally. Sophie really adapts her care to our request and she is very attentive. She gave me advice after the session to prolong the effects of the treatment and told me that it would take a few weeks to really take effect. I felt much better in the months that followed, and I still think that the magnetism session helped me a lot at that time. For those who hesitate to make an appointment, I can only advise you to try, especially since it goes a lot through the body and very little through the spoken word, so if you're not talkative, the magnetism is done. for you, and it has nothing to do with a therapist session, it's a very different approach but one that can really help.
Thanks again Sophie!
I went to see Sophie because for years I have been in emotional and physical pain, which is characterized by very strong diffuse pain throughout the body and an ups and downs in morale.
In addition, I arrived in consultation with crutches, not being able to put my foot on the ground (effusion of synovia at the level of the knee! I...we...
I walked out without my crutches!! it was a magical moment on the one hand because it had been a long time since I had to come see Sophie (containments oblige) and on the other hand because Sophie is a magical person !_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Amazing, exciting, benevolent and just what it takes to help us become aware of our life path...... that's well known, to know where to go you have to know how to where we come from. I cannot thank Sophie enough for everything she has given me. It's a gift from the angels to have met her and suddenly I'm going to continue the adventure with Sophie. As a project, I plan to follow his training. Sincere gratitude Sophie. I strongly embrace you.
I contacted Sophie because I have suffered from psoriasis for years and no treatment was giving me relief. I live in Nantes, so I asked Sophie to give me a remote care because I have several of my friends who have passed through her hands and who have been amazed. I was so tired of seeing all these scabs on my face that I was ready to do anything to be relieved and finally be able to open up to a serious relationship with a woman.
Sophie performed the treatment remotely, I started a bad cold with a little fever, I sweated a lot! but a fortnight later I had almost nothing left ! a miracle... Today, as I write this testimonial, psoriasis is a memory. Thank you Sophie, thank you.
Thomas T.
I admit I came to see Sophie with the idea of testing her and seeing what she was capable of! A friend had spoken to me of her with such praise that I wondered if it was really possible. My friend had told me that she had "guessed" things that she herself had never told anyone and how good she felt since she had seen him!
So I went to see Sophie and when she asked me what she could do for me, I answered her; "I don't know! , I'm not telling you anything, I'll let you tell me what you feel".
Sophie passed her hands over my body about 5 minutes before telling me exactly what I was suffering from! Spot on! I came to see her because I couldn't get pregnant. I had seen several specialists who found no physical abnormality preventing me from getting pregnant. With Sophie, we discussed an accident as a child and she worked on my pelvis and my neck. Seven months later, I was expecting twins. She was so precious to me!
thank you sophie.
Natasha C.